Dispute Resolution Training
By Peaceful Waters offers online dispute resolution training. Training courses include Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Power Imbalance Screening and Collaborative Practice training throughout Ontario. Our family professionals train in cooperation with local collaborative professionals in Kitchener-Waterloo. These trainings are recognized by the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP) and the Law Society of Ontario (LSO), providing hours towards professionalism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) requirements.

Intimate Partner Violence & Power Imbalance Training

Join us for this three day virtual training designed for consensual dispute resolution and collaborative practitioners. Engage in discussion, demonstrations and role play. Receive a full colour, hardcopy training manual that include a Relational Dynamics Inventory for IPV Screening.
Topics include:
- Defining and identifying domestic abuse
- Equity, Diversity and Include
- Trauma-informed practice
- The brain science of conflict
- OACP IPV protocols
This training provides 13.5 hrs. professionalism, and 3 hrs. EDI.
A one-day refresher training option is available to qualify for/maintain OACP Advanced Collaborative Professional designation. Introduction of the new OACP approved Relational Dynamics (IPV) screening tool. This one-day refresher qualified for 2 hrs. professionalism, 1 hr. EDI.
Prerequisite: 21 or 14 hours of IPV and Power Imbalance Screening training.
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training

Join this training and draw on decades of experience from professionals in their fields who work collaboratively to achieve improved client outcomes and lasting agreements.
This program follows the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP) approved training requirements and is approved by LSO for 2 hrs EDI Professionalism, 11hrs.+ 25 mins Professionalism and 26 Substantive hours.